At this point Meghan's training is simply physical training to get some of that humongous belly off. I like horses with a little extra going into winter, but Meghan has a little too much fat. When the vet looks at her and thinks she's about ready to pop out a foal then it's too much!
So this past Friday when we took a long trail ride on the North Bend Trail I asked Anne to ride Meghan. I'm usually the only one riding the rescues when they are here on the farm so it's nice to get someone else on them as often as possible. And since Anne doesn't care one way or the other as long as she's riding someone, she's often my stand in. :)
The North Bend Trail used to be a railroad so of course there are bridges and tunnels. The three tunnels we went through were between 333 and 377 feet long and had a slight curve to them. Once you're in the middle of the tunnel it's pitch black and even the horses are unsure where the ground is in front of them. Did this stop Meghan from following Willow into the tunnel? Nope! She marched right in like a trooper and it didn't even seem to make her nervous. Same with the bridges. Anne rode her in a halter and had no trouble with trotting and cantering.
Dare I say it, but she actually looks a little lighter today.
Once, long ago, there was a Monday from hell
13 years ago
Hi its Tara we are really excited about warmer weather, so we can come see Meghan and hope to get her soon. Emilee is getting on her dad to get the fence up NOW! haha
Hi, we have 12 fence post up now and more on the way. Emilee is really getting excited (we all are). Hopefully aftermy back this Friday we can see about coming out soon.
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