Sunday, March 8, 2009

Chessy -- 03/07/09

I debated on whether or not to even add Chessy here under the training log, because he really doesn't need any training to do his job as a trail horse for his adopter.  Today was my first ride on him, and will probably be the last.  We took him and Duchess to the back pasture and just let Duchess roam on her own, knowing she wouldn't go too far from Chessy. 

I started him under saddle on the lunge line and he acted as if he'd never been lunged before.  He had no idea how to walk on a circle and was really far too upset to even learn.  He just wanted to be next to mom, plain and simple.  If she was 20' away, she was too far.  His owners had told me that he was usually spooky and nervous just starting out, but eventually calmed down.  I think once the umbilical cord is cut and he's had some time to live on his own without mom, he'll be much more cooperative and a lot less stressed.

Between the high winds, Duchess ignoring him and walking away, and not knowing how to lunge, I finally gave up and decided I'd have more control in the saddle.  He hadn't been bucking or anything like that, he just wasn't paying one ounce of attention to me.  Once in the saddle, he was antsy and jiggy, but still not my definition of bad.  A few minutes of walking circles, half halts when he tried to trot, and lots of "easy", he calmed down and stopped trying to trot his way back to mom.  I finally got nice calm circles, and was able to bend him around my inside leg and circle him further and further away from mom and the gate.  We eventually made it out of sight of Duchess and he still remained calm and attentive, so I let him trot a few circles and figure 8s.

WOW.  That's all I have to say about his trot.

Duchess eventually came cantering over the hill whinnying, looking for her son.  Once she had caught up, I turned him into the very back pasture and asked for a canter up the hill. 

OMG.  Loose rein, rocking horse, floating.  That's all I have to say about his canter.

Hopefully his adopter will be able to make it out this week or next weekend to try him out and make sure they get along.  Duchess has already made a couple of new friends in Jewel, Meghan, Radar, and Hunter, so parting the two shouldn't be as traumatic as I had first thought.

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Please note how the wind blew up my shirt and made me look like the Goodyear blimp.  I love it when that happens and Glenn takes a picture. 

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